I've always been partial to DC. Their stories have simply been well-written and their events ground-breaking...
In 1985, the DC Universe had the Crisis on Infinite Earths wherein Barry Allen (The Flash) died. Years later, DC came out with Identity Crisis, a sort of earth-shaking prequel to 2005's hit Infinite Crisis. Infinite Crisis came 20 years after the original Crisis and was sort of a reversal of the previous one. Next came 52, a year-long weekly series that chronicled the events following Infinite Crisis. (DC's Big 3 (Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman) took time off during 52.) Countdown to Final Crisis then took place, which was also a year-long weekly series leading to the events of the current Final Crisis.
Trinity is also a year-long weekly series which started this June 2008. It features DC's first and foremost triumvirate of heroes: Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman. To quote DC: "It's not JUST that they were first (though that factors in)… but it is because on a cosmic level they matter (and we'd argue that even taking other company's players into the mix—no three characters have mattered more to the foundation of what we've ALL built on than these three!)… And in TRINITY we'll see WHY they are still the most important three people in the DC Universe!"
It is definitely something to watch out for!
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