Monday, June 30, 2008

flying again...

I got the chance to ride an airplane again recently. Like I've said previously in this blog, I find flying to be unnatural. I really don't think man was intended to fly. I've heard the arguments before, that air travel is quite safe, but then again if any accidents happen the passenger is quite helpless and cannot do anything to save himself.

Feeling the thrust from the engines and the burst of speed prior to takeoff evokes uneasiness in me and in most passengers, and the same goes when the plane is touching down while waiting for the plane's tires to hit the runway.
Looking out during the windows during flight, one can't help but also be overwhelmed. Just look at the following photos and imagine the height/distance from the ground:

I admit it looks beautiful. Although I am not really afraid of flying or of heights per se, I guess I've never gotten used to the feeling and the fact that I am thousands of feet in the air inside a hollow metal contraption.

This picture was taken on my way back to Manila...

This time I was seated in the middle of the plane, near the wing. In that seat, the plane's movements are even more pronounced and even the noises the plane is making seem louder. I guess one just has to bear it in order to travel fast.

The real advantage of flying is covering huge distances in shorter time. What with recent maritime disasters and more air carriers in the market, more and more people are flying. A lot of carriers are also going for numbers by lowering their fares and just recently came up with discounts/deals especially on round-trip travel. After all is said, I am still very willing to travel by air if it really saves time and money. :-)


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