Sunday, September 28, 2008


I already finished Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (on the PSP)! The game is really awesome! Think of it as a movie between Episodes III and IV (much better story than SW:TCW) that you get to roleplay along the way. This game answers a lot of questions as to what happened between the original trilogy and the prequel trilogy. The book version, by the way, is already available in hardcover at NBS.

Aside from great action using the light saber, the Force effects are really cool. You can throw objects, choke enemies, electrocute bad guys, repulse everyone else, and so much more other options. As the game progresses, the light saber and costumes are customizable and the Force powers are upgradeable. Cut scenes and soundtrack during game play and in between battles are just like what you've seen and heard in the movies.

At first you'll probably find gameplay difficult, but as you get a sense of familiarity with the controls it gets easier to defeat bosses. Some common complaints against the game is the somewhat long loading times between missions/battles, and the camera view that follows your character (slow/short delay in focus).

There are other features that are just as cool. The Force Duel mode allows you to go up against Jedi/Sith opponents. Order 66 mode gives you the chance to go up against the Emperor's elite warriors who are carrying out the directive to eliminate all Jedi. In Historic Mission mode, meanwhile, you get to play one of the lead characters in scenes from the Star Wars movies. There are also 3 multiplayer (ad-hoc) scenarios available (which I haven't tried).

All in all, it is really a worthy buy and also has a lot of replay value.
I'd rate this 4 out of 5 stars.

...I've already finished 3 games in the slightly more that 3 weeks since I had my PSP. I am still also playing the free game that came along with the unit, Ridge Racer (great racing game with drifting). Next target game: Lego Batman! It has already been released in the US but unfortunately is still not available locally. :-)


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